Organic and human wines We recover the essence of our surroundings, giving way to a brand-new generation of sensations. Terra.00 is born in Vilalba dels Arcs, the heart of Terra Alta, in the southern part of Catalunya, with a zero …
Organic and human wines We recover the essence of our surroundings, giving way to a brand-new generation of sensations. Terra.00 is born in Vilalba dels Arcs, the heart of Terra Alta, in the southern part of Catalunya, with a zero …
Organic and sustainable traditional viticulture Germán R. Blanco three cellars tasting, Wednesday October 5th at 19h. The Lively-Wines philosophy dictating how they work is the same in the three cellars: organic viticulture and minimum intervention in the cellar with …
Two rows per terrace, licorice soils, vines formed with a single arm and a very unproductive rootstock, make up my landscape and my life. Mas d’en Perí is a farmhouse dating from the middle of the s. XIX The previous …
Manifesto “I remember when I was a little girl that the sound of the tractors at dawn marked the beginning of the grape harvest and that for days all the streets of the town smelled of grape juice. It was …
“The Celler Vidbertus, located in Espluga de Francolí, has a winery that dates back to 1890 and participates in the ‘Viver de Celleristes’ project from Conca de Barberà, where we make our wine. Year after year we strive to make …
Celler situat a Figuerola d’Orcau (Pallars Jussà) en una casa datada de l’any 1703 amb parets de pedra i roca. Les vinyes estan plantades a 650m d’alçada amb sòl franc-calcari i clima continental. Al cor del Pallars (Pirineu de Lleida), …
Aunque la finca dio sus primeros vinos allá por el año 1999, fueron un grupo de amigos los que realmente percibieron el gran potencial de la misma y soñaron Quinta de la Quietud. Un sueño que junto al actual equipo técnico se …
Molí dels Capellans es, desde 2007, el proyecto personal de Sergi Montalà y Jordi Masdeu, dos jóvenes elaboradores naturales de la región tarraconense de la Conca de Barberà. Ambos se conocieron en la Escuela de Enología de Vilafranca del Penedès, …
Tradition, the natural process, the vine at every evening behind the window, because it is the grape that sustains us and we give it the adolescent passion and the eye of those who know the perpendicularity of the wine in …
FOU (ravine) // Narrow pass // Gorge or narrow pass where a stream or rainfall course opens up. Characteristic of the landscape of the Terra Alta area. LAFOU Celler was founded in 2007 with a desire to produce wines that …